Monday, December 27, 2010

Amateur Farmer

Alright, so far I have harvested dwarf bean not long ago, and today I proudly harvested my first lettuce. The lettuce is a bit different with what you find in the shops but it's not too bad. 

Maybe I should wait a little bit longer so it will grow beautifully like the ones you find in the shops, but maybe this is the best that the lettuce can do in the steamy, humid, hot and very wet weather like Pohnpei.

1 comment:

BabyBeluga said...

Jadi can't wait for Spring neh. Aku baca sih lettuce itu gga baik dibiarkan terlalu lama, jadi mending cepat dipanen. Aku belum pernah sih nanam lettuce, gonna try it next Spring.