Sunday, December 18, 2005


Jiffest telah datang....

Hari Kamis siang udah kasak kusuk sama Dina & Advi pengen nonton yang gretongan di Erasmus Huis, setelah liat referensi film yang akan ditonton yaitu "Science Fiction" yang kayaknya not bad buat ditonton, akhirnya diputuskan jam 4.20 kita brangkat dari kantor karena takut penuh (setelah mendapat persetujuan dari bos masing-masing tentunya dan dengan alasan yang tepat tentunya).

Jreng jreng...... ternyata filmnya gak pake bhs inggris secara ini film Belgia gitu, trus pas liat textnya... loh loh.... ini text-nya pake bahasa apa ya???? Tapi kok kayaknya kita aja ya yang clingak clinguk kebingungan dengan text itu, yang lain kok adem ayem aja ya? Apa karena ini di Kedutaan Belanda jadi text-nya pake bhs Belanda juga? Apa emang kitanya aja yang payoyeh gak ngerti bahasanya sedangkan yang lain ngerti??
Alhasil kita kluar lagi dengan suksesnya setelah 10 menit mencoba untuk mengerti filmnya yang ternyata emang susah dimengerti (ya iya lah, kita jadi mengira-ngira gitu apa yang mereka omongin hihihi), hasil kasak kusuk di dalem teater akhirnya diputuskan kalau kita akan ngejar nonton di Setiawan :))

Akhirnya kita nonton film Just Like Heaven walopun dah telat 10 menit, pokoknya harus nonton karena stelan moodnya dah pengen nonton :))

Nampak payah ya niat pengen nonton Jiffest eh yang ada malah nontonnya film Hollywood lagi, pake acara nangis pula karena tersentuh sama critanya :D

Jumat malem rencananya mau nonton Beautiful Boxer jam 21.30 tapi pas ke Ambasador kok ternyata banyak film Jiffest yang dijual disana juga ya... Wah wah ngapain nonton Jiffest dong, mendingan bli di lapak aja 30ribu bisa dapet 5 film hihihi.... Gak jadi lagi deh nonton Jiffest..

Week end rencananya mau nonton (duh kebanyakan rencana deh ya), tapi ternyata hari minggu (closing day) malah terdampar di kantor ngebantuin kreatif buat present hari senin hiks hiks..

Mungkin Jiffest tahun depan bisa nonton ya (mudah-mudahan), tetep semangat!

Wildest Fantasy

What is your wildest fantasy?

Wildest fantasy sound so kinky ya, but wait a minute am not talking about sexual thing (eventhough i would love to he he he)... I'm talking about fantasy in general.

I believe that everybody have their own fantasy, it could be anything you want to do in this life but most likely you could never done it. How so? Maybe b'coz you don't have enough guts to do it or maybe you are just not confident or even maybe it's beyond your capability.

I have one wildest fantasy in my life, which is...........

I always want to become a dancer, not only a regular dancer but got to be in one of Madonna's big concert :)

Seeing all those dancers dance in a good choreo and good movement have always inspired me.
Why? B'coz i know and aware that i don't have the body to move smoothly like that, my body is so stiff, so eventhough i so dance it's only in the club where it so dark and everybody is not paying attention to my dance :)

There is a show in MTV called Wade Robson's show (bener gak ya judulnya, lupa deh), i love watching it and always dream that someday somehow i can be one of the candidate he he he (it's oke to hava dream like that kan). Once, i tried to follow the move and it was so hard and the way i moved was soooo jelek dan kaku hihihi. My decision was right ya, to put it only in my wildest fantasy, but somehow i hope that maybe someday i could do it in the real life (maybe with the help from Oprah, just like when she helps Felicity Huffman become Tina Turner's back up singer) :))...

Have fantasy or even the wildest one could bring up the good spirit from within and for sure it could keep your spirit alive... Coz, somehow someday you have expectation to realize it.

So, keep on dreaming and feel free to fantasize anything, to make your live even more alive.