Saturday, March 28, 2009

Bear with me

Bear with me...

I will write again soon....

When I have settled down, right now I feel like I'm in the middle of the road waiting for the right time to move and act..

Yes, I will be leaving my home for 30 years to a new home in just days away, 3 days away to be exact. Changes is not easy, especially leaving my comfort zone for 30 years, but I'm fully ready for this new journey, the journey to find a new home and build new family with the love of my life.

Bear with me...


Ivy said...

aaawww....that's just so sweet. Will be waiting patiently to read your entries again then

m i S S i S S m a said...

Hai Ecky...
Iya...aku mau dimake-up sama Yudi juga..
Salonnya sekalian dari Yudi.
Aku liat foto Ecky dan suami di Salonnya Yudi, Costello, di Jalan Cipedes 2.
Fotonya cantiiiik, lho... ^^

Anonymous said...

ahhh... the newly wed is still 'busy'. sure, we understand *wink*

Sekolah PRamugari said...

Selamat Sore…
Salam Kenal dari Balikpapan…
berkenan tukaran link..? :)
Terima KAsih….

Sekolah PRamugari said...

Selamat Sore…
Salam Kenal dari Balikpapan…
berkenan tukaran link..? :)
Terima KAsih….

Devi Girsang, MD said...

Looking forward to hearing updates from you :)

therry said...

Will give Ecky a bear hug... :)

atrix said...

met pindahan, jgn lama2 hiatus ny .. hihi

Lorraine said...

Ceu Ecky,

Kemana aja? Ada hadiah tuh dirumah gw. Ambil ya..