Friday, June 16, 2006

Alkohol yang berbicara....

Justifikasi yang paling sering di pake untuk mendefense kejadian-kejadian yang terjadi during and after clubbing, dan seolah-olah membenarkan whatever happened :)

Is it the alter ego Oom Jack Daniels or emang udah ada bakat untuk doing it? Tergantung orangnya masing-masing juga kali yaa.. But maybe emang bener kadar alkohol dalam darah jadi booster untuk bisa doing such thing, jadi lebih berani, lebih confident, lebih cuek juga sama lingkungan sekitar (toh yang lain juga ngga ada yang ngurusin, just mind ur own business lah ya) dan juga hati nurani yang udah di teken dalem-dalem sedalem2nya yang baru akan muncul lagi the other day :)

One night stand juga sering terjadi karena faktor yang ini, gairah memuncak dengan sendirinya apalagi pas ngeliat target yang pas, berani dan pede karena alkohol jadinya maju terus pantang mundur... One night stand just only for the sake of pemuasan nafsu sesaat yang di tunggangi oleh alkohol, then besokannya nyesel karena partner nggak as good as you see that night (duh penglihatan alkohol ngga bisa dipercaya banget deh). Or tiba-tiba besokannya ada yang telp bilang bla bla bla semalem kita kenalan dan tukeran no telp, tapi sumpah mampus kita nggak inget kejadian itu boro-boro mau inget orangnya yang mana he he

Intinya adalah self control and you have to know when to stop, better cuma tipsy aja jangan sampe drunk karena kita bisa menikmati keriaan sekitar dan juga masih punya kontrol... Tapi kalo sekedar tukeran no telp aja nggak papa seh, who knows ternyata dia adalah jodoh kita, toh jodoh bisa ada dimana aja dan kapan aja :)

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Be ready....

You never know when it finally comes, you can not predict time, you can not predict place and you even can not predict on how it finally link to you...

Saw Rexona spot last nite, the message is to be ready for any circumstances coz it might come at the most unpredictable time. The girl is chasing her purse that lead her to a good looking guy, but since she's not apply the product she got sweat spot at her blouse right at the underarm spot ouch!.., It's nice tho.. and very insightful (at least for me)

One of my girlfriend always dress up nicely, make up properly never show of bad hair day no matter where we go, eventhough we're only hang out at friend's house. When i asked her why she always dress up nicely, do make up and hair do properly everytime we hang out, she gave me an answer that really strike me. She said, your soulmate can be everywhere and anywhere, you never know when he comes, he just there and i want to be ready for that moment..I don't want him to see me in a mess. Nice thought eh.. :)

So, here i am... trying to always look good everywhere i go, no matter if i have mood swing that day or i have no time to dress up or even have a bad hair day. Looks good not necessary have to do full make up tho, just put everything right together and still reflect your personality can be a well done job. Just feel good bout your self then i believe everyone will see that too. I do it not just because i want to be ready for that moment when eventually i meet my soulmate to be, i do it for my self coz i want to feel good bout my self more rather than i do it for someone else. Then if that moment finally come, it will be a plus point for me tho, don't you think so? ;)

So, girl... Be ready.. Dress up nicely, prepare your self for anything might happen to you today. No harm to look good for your self and for someone else :)

Monday, June 12, 2006

Apakah kalian bahagia?

Pertanyaan dari Ceceu Wenni di blognya...

Simple question benernya tapi kok sulit ya jawabnya... karena harus dipikirkan dengan seksama :)

Bener kita (cukup) bahagia dengan keadaan sekarang? Bahagia dengan semua achievement kita? Kita akan bahagia kalau udah bisa mencapai posisi tertentu dalam kerja? Kita akan bahagia kalau udah menemukan tambatan hati dan berumah tangga? Atau... Kita akan bahagia dengan kondisi-kondisi tertentu... Semua butuh pemikiran yang dalam untuk bisa menjawab dengan jujur :)

Apakah semua itu berhubungan dengan bertambahnya usia? Atau karena dengan bertambahnya usia mau nggak mau kita jadi berfikir lebih dalam lagi tentang hidup dan kehidupan?
Hari ini seorang teman berulang tahun yang ke 30, she wants to keep it silent dan satu kantor ngga ada yang tau (I got Ben & Jerry's ice cream to shut my mouth wuuhuu....) Walopun agak aneh and if i were her i would inform people to get prizes hehe....

Why she keep it silence? Karena dia ngerasa tua dan dia ngerasa kok idupnya gini-gini aja, gak ada achievement yang significant. Walopun dia udah bersuami tapi masih blum ada anak, masih tinggal sama ortu, karir juga ngga naik2... she doesn't feel passionate about her work but she also doesn't know things that make her passionate (confuse eh..).
She feels clueless bout her life...

Ternyata semua orang punya masalah yang similar, walopun nggak bisa dibilang sama.. Dan ternyata bersuami juga tidak menyelesaikan masalah, malah mungkin menimbulkan masalah baru (bagi yang bermasalah).... :)
She said I should be proud of my self karena karirku cukup bagus (alhamdulilah) and i'm passionate bout my job (well, i believe that you have to put your heart in whatever your job is, just love your work). Itu semua kasat mata yang keliatan, tapi who knows what's goin on underneath...

Apakah aku bahagia dengan semua itu?

Pertanyaan yang gampang tapi susah untuk dijawab :)

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Lonely is a state of mind?

Have you ever feel soo lonely even though you are in the middle of the crowd?

I felt it and i don't like the feeling, it's really sucks. Tried to figure out why i felt this way, coz i shouldn't feel it. I have best friends around me, they can always put back the smile in my face, I have works that occupied my mind throughout the day, i have other activities like going to the gym and hang out with friends but somehow i still feel that deep down in my heart there's an empty space that longing to be fulfiled.

Does it because i simple bore with the routine of my life?
Does it because i live alone without my family? Yeah i missed them too
Does it because i don't have someone to share stories of what i've been doing today?
Does it because i just miss to have a boyfriend?
Does it because i simple need to be loved by someone?

Sometimes i don't feel like going home early after work coz i don't like the feeling when only find dark and empty room, sigh...

Sometimes i imagine that i would feel good falling asleep in someone's arm hugging me, and when i open my eyes he still there looking at me with his full of love's eye.. hmm.. i think i dream too much ya :)

Still don't know if lonely is only a state of my mind? or is it a real feeling? or i feel lonely coz i simple need to be love?

Whatever it is, I guess what i feel is still normal & human, as human being we do have certain needs that only can fulfil by certain person :)