In every company I work there always been such a title of a golden child, interesting how the title can come up. What should we do to get that title? Should we kiss ass our bosses or what?
Such an interesting question eh :)
Personally I don’t care with that kind of title or term or whatever you wanna call it lah, I believe everybody has their own strength and weakness, and if their strength can make them become the golden child then be it. I’m type of person who just work for the best, don’t care with such title.
But what if the existence of this golden child ruins the settle situation?
Especially if this golden child has ruined the plan that supposed to be mine, it’s settled until this golden child has a request and the big boss is willing to take the hustle to grant this golden child’s request.
Who’s to blame in this kind of situation? The boss who are willing to do anything for the golden child, or should we blame the golden child himself/herself, as she/he knows how to use the privileges?
I know life is not always be as what we want, life is full of shit and other stuff but when it comes to you to experience it, then it sucks.
What should I do? What can I do? Is there really a thing that I can do? Or I just have to accept it the way it is?
There’s always an option for that situation, take it or leave it, as simple as that. Let’s just see how things will work around here…
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
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It depends ont he kind of relationship between the Boss and the Golden Child... If it's " special " ;-) just leave things as they are, if it's just professional u can try to persuade your Boss ( useless effort usually.. but if you want to fight for your ideas..). Take it easy Ecky, take it easy... Just flow on corporate life as leaves on water...
Thanks Peo, m cool just hate when this kind of situation happen to me :)
neneng, kadang dapet predikat 'golden child' juga menyebalkan...
saya pernah dapet predikat ini padahal ngerasa disayang bos mah boro2... yang ada ngerasa disiksa karena nggak bisa pulang sebelum kerjaan selesai semua, mesti mendampingi si bos kemanapun dia pergi (karena dia yang minta loh) dan sebagainya. sampai timbul pemikiran orang bahwa saya 'ada apa-apa' sama si bos ini...
dulu saya suka marah kalo orang bilang saya anak kesayangan si bos. tapi sekarang kalau menengok ke belakang... saya baru sadar... ya mungkin juga sih emang jadi golden child pada jamannya itu...
so from an ex-golden child's point of view:
kadang si 'anak emas' boro2 nyadar kalo segala kelakuannya itu menyebabkan dia disayang sama bosnya. sometimes we don't do anything to be liked by our bosses. and we aren't aware of the title awarded to us just because the boss is somewhat 'closer' to us than anybody else. masalahnya adalah orang2 sekitar kita yang melihat dari luar. padahal kita barangkali juga hobi cakar-cakaran sama si bos, cuma orang2 pada gak tau aja. jarang sih orang yang bisa get along well sama bos-bos. jadi begitu si bos ini menemukan orang yang cocok sama dia, langsung ditempel...
yang harus dipertanyakan sebenarnya bukan 'what do we have to do to get the title' tapi 'is life really lonelier at the top' sehingga para bos membutuhkan anak buah yang bisa juga jadi teman?
setelah melalui beberapa bos dalam kehidupan karir dan serentetan predikat golden child yang pernah gue punya, prinsip gue ayeuna mah ya... if my bosses like me and i like them back... screw it. let people say i'm the golden child. karena 'golden' always has something good in it, be it 'good ass licker' or 'actually good at the job'
as for my case... i think the last one applied! :D
Wah terima kasih atas input dari mantan golden child hihi... I always believe on seleksi alam kok, kalo emang bagus akan kliatan dan kalo emang jelek juga eventually orang akan notice :)
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