And what is Movember?
Movember - Changing the face of Men's Health
Movember the month formerly known as November is a charity event held during November each year.
At the start of Movember guys register with a clean shaven face. The Movember participants known as Mo Bros then have the remainder of the month to grow and groom their moustache and along the way raise as much money and awareness about male health issues as possible.
The obvious question is why?
The answer is because men lack awareness about the very real health issue they face, have an "eveything's okay" attitude and are reluctant to see a doctor about an illness or to go for regular medical checks.
The aim of Movember is to change these attitudes, make male health fun by putting the Mo back on the face of fashion and in the process raise some serious funds for key male health issues.
Because moustache is not a fashion trend nowadays, so all the Mo Bros are willing to answer a

Yeah, the Mo Bros are willing to live like that for the whole month in the name of good cause and to help his other brothers in the future.
For more detail information check this out and to sponsor his Mo click to this and enter registration no: 166636, it's time to give your money for good cause.
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