I used to be very passionate with my work, I put my heart in to it, I love it, I love the dynamic pace, I like the creative ideas, I like the process (even though sometimes bleeding), and the pressure sometimes really high and not to mention about the long hours, but still... I love my work.
I don't know how it starts, but suddenly I realize it's just gone. What I do know is just work to get the job done, no heart on my work, it's just the job.
I have asked my self lots of questions about this, is it the office environment? is it the client? is it the team? is it the whole industry? or what?
Honestly, I don't know the answer, could be the office environment as being the only ATL team in the activation agency is tough, or maybe because being dedicated team for this client is not challenging enough for me, or maybe because I have problem with this creative person and it starts to become personal.

I know, should not mix business with personal but I can not help it. I really hate people who is nice in front of me but act in opposite at my back, if you have problem with me, talk to me directly, don't be a back stabber!
I want to have the passion of my work, I want to feel the same way as used to be, I want to put my heart into my work.
If one of you who read this blog knows how to bring back the passion, please let me know coz I desperately need it.

Or maybe even a big step, try the whole new industry aside of advertising? Will it bring my passion back?
For the time being, I don't know the answer.
Mungkin saatnya leha-leha di rumah ato keliling dunia?? Heheheheheh
Travel around the world is my dream though, does anybody wants to pay me for traveling? Please contact me hee hee...
huhuy, tau banget rasanya stabbed from the back. TWICE. hahahahaha.
Kayaknya gw mulai tau jawabannya nih, tempatnya gak kondusif hehehehe.. Yuk mari jualan...
time to look for a new passion, maybe?
So did you ever find where your passion was hiding and how to coax it back?
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