Friday, June 06, 2008


Proudly presents "Immunity", on air in National TV started on June 2nd 2008.

Here is the translation:

While you protect him from the outside,
We help you protect him from the inside.

Nutrilon Royal 3 with unique prebiotics composition FOS:GOS 1:9 helps protecting digestive system.

Because healthy digestion is the foundation of a strong immune system.

Protection from the inside.


Anonymous said...

Sweet and well made commercial. But shouldn't we be sceptical about the health claim?

Anonymous said...

So this is the thing that has kept you awake all month? You must be relieved now. Congratulations! You deserve a good holiday. See you next week (woohoo!)

Anonymous said...

PS: being nosy, whose house did you use for the adv?

Unknown said...

@ Colson: It's clinically proven around the world, although if may find different name for this brand in each market but the claim is the same :)

@ Finally Woken: It's an empty house in Ampera next to Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Selatan, the owner is one of the daughter of Martina Widjaya (She's Paquita Widjaya' sister). It's a big house with a big back yard, nice one isn't it?

Finally Woken said...

Yeah, wonder who's the (lucky) architect who designs it! *nosy mode*

Anonymous said...

Hey that kid was featured in one of your postings right?? hehe.

The mum is so pretty. Is she Indonesian??

Unknown said...

@ Therry: yup, you're right, I've put up his picture here cos he's so damn cute hehehe...

The mum is Indonesian, her name is Melati.. the name has explained everything, no? ;) said...

Ecky congratulations. Love the ad, the mum and the kid. He's cute :-)

But on top of that, love the scene :-D

OC said...

Ecky, love the ad. It delivered the intended messages right and very 'soothing' to look at. Kudos to u and your team..:)