Friday, June 20, 2008

Travel with too much stuff

Yup, finally... Today is my last day at work... I'm going for holiday for 3 weeks yayyy... I've been waiting for this time to come to finally relax and not think about work (for awhile).

Thanks to Anita for traveling tips on what is the right shoes to wear and what are the essentials things to bring in my hand bag. I like big hand bag cos I tend to bring a lot of stuff, same thing on my suitcase, every time I go traveling I always bring too much clothes and too much of anything :)

I always prepare for "just in case" and the result usually too much of anything :)

1 week before, I already put my stuff to the suitcase and 1 day before I will sort it out which ones should I take and which one is unnecessary to bring, in my head here is the list of what I will take in my hand bag:
- Mobile phone (of course)
- Mobile phone's charger (just in case my mobile gone off before I land in my destination)
- Digital Camera (I can use it in my 8 hours transit)
- Wallet (that's for sure)
- Essentials beauty kit: powder, lip gloss, lipstick, moisturizer, blush on, cleansing tissue
- Tooth brush + tooth paste (hey, I don't want to have bad breath when I land the next morning)
- Canceling noise headphone
- i-pod
- Book to kill the bore
- Scarf to warm me when I land
- Socks (yeah, I'm easily get cold)
- Small bottle of body lotion (to moisture my skin during the flight)
- Hand sanitizer
- Wet tissue

That's all (I think), the list can be shorten or even lengthen depends on what I think I would need. Yeah.. I'm so bad at this.

I'm still thinking on how many shoes and what kind of shoes should I bring.. I need help, anybody?

But for sure, I'll freeze my ass off for 3 weeks and hopefully I won't look like this while I'm there.

So, see you all in 3 weeks.


Anonymous said...

Good for you and your soon-to-come holiday :)
For your list of stuff in your handbag, with this policy on liquid to bring into the cabin you might want to prioritize what you want to put in your handbag not to have your lovely perfume, for instance, being confiscated by the airport police. Some airplanes (I know SQ does) provide set of toilettries (incl. toothbrush, toothpaste and body lotion, even razor!!!) in the plane so you can put your own in your checked-in luggage.

As for shoes, that will certainly depend on your agenda and where you'll stay, girl. If you are to roam around the city(ies), a pair of sneakers are the most comfy shoes and/or a pair of comfy and neutral-coloured flip flop. A pair of high-heels might be useful if you are to party, but if you are going to do shoes-shopping anyway, why do you have to bring your own?
There you go, hope that helps a bit.

Last but not least, do enjoy your holiday and bring lots of Card for the camera!!!

PS: Your list of luggage could be totally different if you involve camping, hiking, diving etc in your agenda. ;-)

rimafauzi said...

hey gorgeous!
where are you going? I thought you and anita are gonna be together all of her trip in indo?
in any case, have fun girl!! (and dont forget to take pictures and post them plus the stories in this blog!!)

Unknown said...

@ Silverlines: Thanks for the shoes tips. I think I'll bring 1 pair of sneakers, 1 pair of flip flop and 1 pair of high heels (just in case we'll go to a party). Uhm.. Need to re-think about my handbag :)

@ Rimafauzi: Unfortunately we have crossed schedule, but I'm going to meet her tonight and we're gonna be together once I got back till Aug, she's busy preparing something here so I prolly have to be in her waiting list ;)

Unknown said...

don't forget my souvenirs!!

Anonymous said...

Nice list - I might take note of it for my domestic travels! :D

Have a nice holiday, Ecky, you deserve it!

I need holidays too..... hiks...

Anonymous said...

Enjoy and don't get to cold!!!!