I worked really hard for 3 days to unpack and arrange our stuff so We will feel at home at last. With our stuff inside this house We defenitely feel at home. Before come to Pohnpei I have printed and framed some Canberra photos I took, those photos will remind us on our home in Australia.
I'm still adjusting and settling in but so far I can say that it's been good. Although there are compromises and sacrafices that We have to make, well it's a small island in the North Pacific after all it's not developed country like Australia.

Meat & chicken supplies mostly frozen, so there is a special trick to see which one has good

Most food in this island came from America which I find it too sweet for my liking. All the cereals are American products with full of sugar, even the baked bean is sweet. Good thing We brought over 12kg of weet-bix from Australia. Even the bread is sweet here, but the good thing is we can go to Grace's bakery and order wheat bread without sugar, although you have to buy more than one for special order like that.
There is no fresh milk here, but there are heaps of long live milk. There is an Australian and New Zealand brands like Pauls and Anchor milk. We have 2 cartons of Anchor milk to stock up because people keep saying that stuff can dissapear and won't be back until God knows when.
Doing the groceries shopping is an adventure because you will not find everything you want in one shop, usually I have to go to 4 different shops for every groceries shopping, it's fun hey. The trick is grab and stock up. When you see something you like just grab it and stock it up, because if you think that it still be on the shelves next time you go to the shop you are wrong. Well you might be lucky if they're still there but mostly they won't be there. I was looking for canned mushroom the other day and can not find it in 3 shops, so I have to go to every shops just to get canned mushroom.
Good cheese is really hard to find and really expensive too. Like other stuff most cheese are American's product, the cheddar is in orange color which we're not used to. And no blue cheese :((.
There is one asian store called Yoshie, but they sell mostly Japanese products.
It takes time but I am sure that we will used to this stuff eventually, bear with us.
That means you guys need to have a big fridge/freezer to stock up.
Your story reminds me of one of my friend Mindy who used to live in Caracas.
But the pictures are so beautiful and serene there :D
We have 2 big fridges in the house, 2 big freezers in the store room, 1 freezer in the cabana. We are well prepared :)
Yes, a lot of cakes over here are so sweet... I rather bake them myself rather than making my boyz hyperactive due to excessive amount of sugar in their body. Surely they can live without it.
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