Monday, November 06, 2006

Be happy

I was laughing when friend of mine said that his goal in life beside become a marketing director (at least) and have a nice villa in Asia for retire, is just be happy.

I was thinking that is such a simple and easy goal, but when I’m thinking thru it, apparently it is not as simple and easy as I thought. You have to be honest with your self to be able to say that you’re happy; of course you might say you’re happy but are you really happy deep down inside?

I believe happy is a deep feeling that every human being is longing to have. Happy means acceptance of what you have and what you got in life, not complaining or whining or envy with someone else’s life.

Are you happy with your work?
Are you happy with your family?
Are you happy with where you live now?
Are you happy with your car?
Are you happy with your current saving?
Are you happy with your friends?
Are you happy with your life partner?
Are you happy with your love life?
And the most important thing is, are you happy with your life?

Does being rich and famous can make you happy? Coz I know that money can’t buy happiness, many celebrities have problems with their life.
Does being pretty and handsome can make you happy? Referring to many people who are willing to do plastic surgery to make them prettier not to mentioned that Prince Charles choose Camilla Parker instead of beautiful Lady Di.
Does being God damn brilliant like Einstein can make you happy?
Does being soo skinny and slim can make you happy?
Does being fit and healthy can make you happy?
Does being big can make you happy? Some say big is beautiful
Does become Mrs. Tom Cruise can make you happy? Katie Holmes doesn’t look as bright as she used to be
Does become a mother of Brad Pitt’s daughter can make you happy?
Does become Jenifer Aniston’s latest boyfriend can make you happy?

What makes you happy with your life?

Be happy is not impossible thing to achieve, but I’m sure just be happy is also not an easy goal to achieve.


Farika said...

heheh... sepertinya this kind of feeling is just a phase, Ex :) It'll pass..

Nih baca

But now, alhamdulillah I could say that I'm happy :)

Unknown said...

Mudah-mudahan.. ternyata banyak juga yang bingung ya apakah mereka bahagia atau nggak :)
I'm not alone after all :))