Thursday, March 13, 2008

Russia Charges Blogger for Inciting Police Hatred

Came across to this article, and I would like to share it with all of you.

Russian blogger Savva Terentyev is being charged for inciting hatred toward the authorities for a post that, among other things, labeled the police "uneducated representatives of the animal world."

Terentyev said Wednesday that the charges were a result of a February 2007 posting in which he chastised local authorities for raiding an opposition newspaper.

Terentyev's comments, first published by The Associated Press, come amid a government crackdown on Russian internet and media outlets.

"They're trash - and those that become cops are simply trash, dumb, uneducated representatives of the animal world," Terentyev wrote. "It would be good if in the center of every town in Russia ... an oven was built, like at Auschwitz, in which ceremonially, every day, and better yet, twice a day ... the infidel cops were burnt. This would be the first step toward cleaning society of these cop-hoodlum scum."

If Terentyev doesn't like restrictions to his voice in Russia, he should move to the United States.

That's the country where President Bush, as commander in chief, has drift-netted American's electronic communications in a bid to protect their freedoms, including the right of free speech. It's also the country where web sites critical of the police are taken down for murky reasons.

It's proven that we should be careful of what subject do we want to write. Being a responsible blogger is a definite.

And the next question will be, what happen with the freedom of speech?


Anonymous said...

Hi Ecky,
I think you can only ever have freedom of speech with like-minded individuals. Most people that are affronted by different views will usually try and silence that view.
Thats reality.


Anonymous said...

This is the second post I read in the past two weeks that showed that blogging is a dangerous thing to do when you don't know how to strain information and emotion.

It could cost people's life as well as your own's when not exercised in caution. Don't you think, Ecky?