Wednesday, March 12, 2008


The God a.k.a The Dutch has given the words...


1. Re-shoot for the whole new story, meaning work from the scratch, back to zero.

2. Additional 1 day shoot, to inject dramatization into the story. Painful shoot days, because you can't control 1.5 years old kid's mood.

3. Involve the God himself for every little step from choosing the props, talent's wardrobe till music reference.

REMARKS: Every Thematic STB will require signature from the God himself and the no 2.

What a day..... *sigh*


Momisodes said...

eek! sounds really rough. Hope this passes soon.

DebbieDana said...

Hi there friend! Thanks for hopping in our blog and leaving a comment in one of my husband's posts..We appreciate you and hope to see you again!


Anonymous said...

Hey Ecky,
On the positive side,
Fully Control = Full Responsibility