Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Welcome to Jakarta

Welcome... rainy season

Welcome... flood

Welcome... traffic jam

Wondering when Jakarta can be free from flood and traffic jam


Anonymous said...

Ujan2 di Jakarta tapi bisa makan bakso, ngeteh panas di warung sebelah kantor huhuhu...kangen Jakarta

Anonymous said...

krn dah akhir oktober, jd inget lagu november rain nya GnR .. haha

Unknown said...

@ The writer: Tapi Va macetnya bisa berjam-jam gak gerak wuihh bikin bete, belum lagi banjirnya :(

@ Atrix: Yang ada bukan nyanyi november rain malah sibuk beresin rumah biar gak kebanjiran dong :p

Anonymous said...

The Writer:

Kangen Jakarta??? You must be nuts. LOL.

Elyani said...

Ky, kalo gak macet sama banjir bukan Jakarta dong ;)

Ivy said...

agree with Therry LOL.... THe only thing I miss about Jakarta if I'm away are the families, friends and food...other than that, well, let's just say I would prefer living in Bali more than here hahaha...

Aaarghhh...hate the floods...I hope this year isn't going to be that bad. For the past 2 years terpaksa ngungsi aku

Anonymous said...

I miss looking out of the window and see the road ahead has turned into a swimming pool - for my car and the kids, and a man in a boat paddling away in the middle of the street.

I miss looking at my mobile phone to find out the airport is closed and I won't be able to go home and must stuck in Hong Kong with no money.

Jakarta, unpredictable city.