Thursday, July 24, 2008

Poor people can't afford to be ill (part 2)

Received devastated news yesterday evening, Sam's driver passed away after being hospitalized for one week, the first diagnose was dengue fever but then doctor told family that the cause of death was complication of diabetes and liver infection.

He was a good guy, never complaint, and helpful. I think he's 40 something (I don't know his actual age) and he has 2 daughters around 11 years old and 5 years old. We didn't expect this kind of news as when we came visit him last Saturday he said his thrombocytopenia a.ka thrombocyt increased but not yet achieve normal level and he was apologizing to Sam for being ill and couldn't come to work, we said no need to apologize just take a good rest and we wish him to get well soon.

Yesterday morning his wife called Sam, crying that her husband is in critical condition and they need to put him to ICU, but the hospital won't proceed until they pay down payment.. Oh My God, people dying and the hospital insists to receive the down payment first, I can't believe it. This hospital is being a bastard.. I heard from his good friend that actually his was in critical condition since 1am but the hospital won't proceed without any DP, that's why his wife called Sam in such a rush asking for help. I know I'm not supposed to questioning God's will but maybe if the hospital gave him proper treatment and put him in ICU right away he will be ok, maybe... or maybe this is what God's wants for him, no question or what so ever.

The family wants him to be buried in Ponorogo, but the hospital doesn't provide the ambulance so the family should arrange it by themselves. When we abut then being an asshole (pardon my language) the hospital won't give any permission to ambulance that came from other agency, the hospital insists to use ambulance from their partners, which cost is twice more expensive from the previous ambulance. Geez... they're really trying to squeeze some money from people. The family doesn't have any other option than use the ambulance from hospital's partner because in Moeslem, the human corpse should be buried no later than 24 hours. I'm so proud of Sam because he willing to help the family, you did the right thing baby..
After all the paperworks done, we say good bye to him at 9.30 pm last night and probably they arrived at Ponorogo by now.

I wonder what would happen if the family doesn't have someone to help them :(

Good bye Pak Budy, may you rest in peace.


Anonymous said...

No money, no treatment

When we watched "Sicko" - Michael Moore's documentary on health care in the US - our first reaction was : Thanks God, we are living in North West Europe. The second was disbelief: these horrible conditions can't, should not be possible anno 2008.

But they do. And I knew they do in Indonesia also, unfortunately. Your heartbreaking posts confirm that.

It's not only the hospital that is to blame. The infrastructure is still rather poor too. The checks on and standards of medical quality are rather rudimentary. The attitude of part of the medical staff is arrogant and class conscious. A fair, affordable and comprehensive insurance system is missing.

Poor people totally depend on the benevolence of the socio-economically more lucky ones.

I can't but applaud that you and your husband care about the driver and the surviving relatives. I admire that.

No money, no treatment.

Unknown said...

@ Colson: correction, he's my boyfriend not husband :)

Anonymous said...


To me LAT (Living apart together), registered or unregistered cohabitation or living in wedlock, is about the same: a loving and lasting duet.

But yes, I should have known better. I will mend my ways. So: please accept my apologies.