Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Land Coffee

I'm addicted to this new kind of coffee, land coffee means kopi darat in Indonesian meaning meet up with new people.

I've met Elyani and Therry before and last Sunday I have the opportunity to meet up with Elyani for the second time and Toni.

From left to right: Elyani, Toni, Me, Anita

Funny how we act like old friends with all the giggling and the non stop chit chats, I guess friends just like lovers, chemistry plays important role here.

Thanks to Toni I got these beautiful photos of my self, yeah yeah I know that sounds so narcissist but you will agree with me after seeing below photos:

And thanks to Toni, now I know my best angle for photo :))

Next agenda is to meet up with Parvita tomorrow night at EP.

Anyone fancy to join us?


Anonymous said...


The one with the three close-ups together should be printed on glossy paper and framed :)

You look purdy from any angles babe!!

Anonymous said...

omigod, you are very photogenic! And Toni is VERY good at photography..

mau dong ikutan, kenapa sih land coffeenya di jkt melulu? kesini dong! lol

Unknown said...

@ Therry: I look chubby in the 3 close ups collage, it's time for diet :D

@ Rima: Combination of sophisticated camera and Toni's expertise made me look pretty ya ;)

Enakan land coffee di Jakarta Rim, pasukannya bisa banyak yang ngumpul. Hayo pulang!

Elyani said...

Iya Toni memang jago motret, lihat gayanya jepret2 aja sudah ketahuan kalau dia itu pro :) Ecky memang fotogenic. Asli dan difoto sama cantiknya, sexy pulak :)

Anonymous said...

Bisa motret sih iya, tapi modelnya emang asyik buat di foto. Sexy pula seperti kata Elyani :)

Unknown said...

@ Elyani & Toni: hehehe thanks, jadi malu nih dipuji *pipi merona merah*

Lorraine said...


Ya ampun, gw lemot, ternyata Land Coffee = kopi darat :-D. Tahun depan summer gw pulang ke Jakarta, kita land coffee ya....

Favorit gw foto loe yg nr. dua dari atas. Bagus expresinya. You have it girl.

Unknown said...

@ Lorraine: Siap! Taun depan kita land cofee di Jakarta ya.

Anonymous said...

enak nya yang bisa land coffe , boleh ikutan gak mbak?...hehehehehe

Katadia said...

Hmm... summernya eropa kebalik dong sama summer di OStrali. Gue balik Desember kalo nggak terlanjur gila dengan segala kerepotan bawa dua anak di airport sydney. Will you be around Ecky? ;)

Unknown said...

@ Novi: Silahkan kalau mau join land coffee, just drop me a line.

@ Katadia: Katz, I will be around, just let me know when you're in town ;)