One said women who define themselves by the size of their breasts are intellectually challenged, ibu2 arisan, tukang gosip, unsatisfied in bed, bitchy, have no lives.. LOL...
Well as you all know, my blog is not a niche blog.. niche blog is a blog that represent to the world about your brain capacity.. the author always write about intellectual stuff.
Since I'm no brainy and I'm content with my breasts, I might as well justify that even more with these situation..
Enjoy folks....

Is it because of the breasts or because they're blond or because they're pretty or simply because they're women?
Ah we live in a mysterious world, aren't we :)
She'd be driving automatic....
Never thought boobs could cause so much issues eh?
I think the person who said women who have big boobs are morally challenged is simply jealous,
......and she probably thinks that her brain is bigger than her boobs, hence giving reasons to scold people who happen to have big boobs.
I'd say give her your sexy back LOL
LOL .. love it!
You're so naughty. Now who are those 3 gorgeous lady at the back and who's the grumpy lassie on the front?
@ Therry: I guess boobs always create issues, good and bad ones ;)
@ The Writer: Yeah, I guess who ever said that just simply jealous of is ;)
@ Santi: Thanks, the artist who made this is very talented one.
@ Finally-woken: Ah Nit, you know me.. I always been naughty and cheeky lol. Well... feel free to guess who are those 3 gorgeous lady and the grumpy lassie on the front, I won't stop you :))
hahaha very funny...
nice way to put it.
greetings from new follower.
You are sooooo NAUGHTY!!! LOL
Well, they both blond. Well some say blond are pretty lame with their "heads", take assumption on what media say the time Marlyn Monroe behave back in the 60s (well i don't quite agree with that, she may have personal problem, or having stress).
Could we be jumping into conclusion here in the judgment of the intellectuality of women?
Well, there bound to have some great women even better than man but they still can't escape their deep root of naiveness.
And you don't measure the size of your breast to the size of your brain anyway..
what really important about boobs is not how big it is, but how it is being presented :)
For me as a man, big boobs or small boobs is the same thing as long as woman being orgasm when I s*ck their nipples (without doing anything more, like rub her V) :) ;).
Not every woman can reach orgasm, if only her nipples s*cked.
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