Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Blog = party?

I just wanna say that having a blog is the same thing as you’re having a party. How many readers/ visitors of your blog can represent how many people would come to your party. The party it self and the theme should attract people to stay long at your party, same thing as your blog. We have to keep writing the exciting stories so that people would come over, visit and read our blog, and the good thing is when they come back to our blog and become regular visitors.

Me, my self have fave blogs that I always visit every time I have time to read, just wanna catch up with them coz apparently their blog belongs to my friends hehehe… and from their blog somehow I can understand more about them and know what’s going on around them. So I will always keep update with their life.

But for me, the 1st reason I start this blog is so I have medium to write about everything, my feelings, my fears, my life, my friends and even write about nonsense hahahaha… never thought that I can write and love to write until I start this blog… as Wenni once says “menulis bagus untuk kesehatan jiwa” and I can not agree more with her. But I have to admit it that this blog is one of the right mediums to fulfill my narcissism hehehe

So, how’s my party doing? Am I going to have a big blast party or an empty one?

You decide my friends, who ever read this blog :)


Anonymous said...

big blast indeed, neng! big blast indeed!!!


Anonymous said...

Seems that I am attending your party(ies) from now on ..
Count me in ?


Unknown said...

Wooohooo thanks for coming guys, want some drinks? ;)

Farika said...

wah.. keren nih postingannya! ;)
suggestion: kapan2 nulis pake bhs indo deh! buat variasi aja. ibaratnya di party, kemaren musiknya hip hop, besok reggae :D

Unknown said...

sip sip Friki, ntar aku nulis pake bhs indo ya biar ada variasi..