Sunday, December 18, 2005


Jiffest telah datang....

Hari Kamis siang udah kasak kusuk sama Dina & Advi pengen nonton yang gretongan di Erasmus Huis, setelah liat referensi film yang akan ditonton yaitu "Science Fiction" yang kayaknya not bad buat ditonton, akhirnya diputuskan jam 4.20 kita brangkat dari kantor karena takut penuh (setelah mendapat persetujuan dari bos masing-masing tentunya dan dengan alasan yang tepat tentunya).

Jreng jreng...... ternyata filmnya gak pake bhs inggris secara ini film Belgia gitu, trus pas liat textnya... loh loh.... ini text-nya pake bahasa apa ya???? Tapi kok kayaknya kita aja ya yang clingak clinguk kebingungan dengan text itu, yang lain kok adem ayem aja ya? Apa karena ini di Kedutaan Belanda jadi text-nya pake bhs Belanda juga? Apa emang kitanya aja yang payoyeh gak ngerti bahasanya sedangkan yang lain ngerti??
Alhasil kita kluar lagi dengan suksesnya setelah 10 menit mencoba untuk mengerti filmnya yang ternyata emang susah dimengerti (ya iya lah, kita jadi mengira-ngira gitu apa yang mereka omongin hihihi), hasil kasak kusuk di dalem teater akhirnya diputuskan kalau kita akan ngejar nonton di Setiawan :))

Akhirnya kita nonton film Just Like Heaven walopun dah telat 10 menit, pokoknya harus nonton karena stelan moodnya dah pengen nonton :))

Nampak payah ya niat pengen nonton Jiffest eh yang ada malah nontonnya film Hollywood lagi, pake acara nangis pula karena tersentuh sama critanya :D

Jumat malem rencananya mau nonton Beautiful Boxer jam 21.30 tapi pas ke Ambasador kok ternyata banyak film Jiffest yang dijual disana juga ya... Wah wah ngapain nonton Jiffest dong, mendingan bli di lapak aja 30ribu bisa dapet 5 film hihihi.... Gak jadi lagi deh nonton Jiffest..

Week end rencananya mau nonton (duh kebanyakan rencana deh ya), tapi ternyata hari minggu (closing day) malah terdampar di kantor ngebantuin kreatif buat present hari senin hiks hiks..

Mungkin Jiffest tahun depan bisa nonton ya (mudah-mudahan), tetep semangat!

Wildest Fantasy

What is your wildest fantasy?

Wildest fantasy sound so kinky ya, but wait a minute am not talking about sexual thing (eventhough i would love to he he he)... I'm talking about fantasy in general.

I believe that everybody have their own fantasy, it could be anything you want to do in this life but most likely you could never done it. How so? Maybe b'coz you don't have enough guts to do it or maybe you are just not confident or even maybe it's beyond your capability.

I have one wildest fantasy in my life, which is...........

I always want to become a dancer, not only a regular dancer but got to be in one of Madonna's big concert :)

Seeing all those dancers dance in a good choreo and good movement have always inspired me.
Why? B'coz i know and aware that i don't have the body to move smoothly like that, my body is so stiff, so eventhough i so dance it's only in the club where it so dark and everybody is not paying attention to my dance :)

There is a show in MTV called Wade Robson's show (bener gak ya judulnya, lupa deh), i love watching it and always dream that someday somehow i can be one of the candidate he he he (it's oke to hava dream like that kan). Once, i tried to follow the move and it was so hard and the way i moved was soooo jelek dan kaku hihihi. My decision was right ya, to put it only in my wildest fantasy, but somehow i hope that maybe someday i could do it in the real life (maybe with the help from Oprah, just like when she helps Felicity Huffman become Tina Turner's back up singer) :))...

Have fantasy or even the wildest one could bring up the good spirit from within and for sure it could keep your spirit alive... Coz, somehow someday you have expectation to realize it.

So, keep on dreaming and feel free to fantasize anything, to make your live even more alive.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Friends VS Best Friends

Ada yang tau bedanya antara teman dengan sahabat sejati?

Friday, November 25, 2005

My other talent

Appraisal time is coming.... darn, i never like this kind of time b'coz somehow i couldn't evaluate my self or maybe b'coz am not ready with what people think of my work so far? Dunno... just find it so difficult aja :|

One thing bother me is that my supervisor said that am too nice, is it? What's wrong with being nice to people i work with? Well, maybe am just the type of people's please (always trying to please people around me). She said sometimes she can not feel my emotion, she couldn't find out when am pist off, angry, sad or happy or what so ever, my face never describe what is happening inside me... That is one of my major strength though, coz i always think that this is only f....g job, never get involve to deeply till it ruins your mood :)

Well, so far so good lah my 1st appraisal in this office not like in my previous agency (wuihhh.... stress banget deh, karena si manusia kulkas itu were so hard to me)

Other thing was what Pak Kris said, that he sees me has the ability to become a copywriter (yeah baby, copywriter hehe.....). Menurut beliau karena aku selalu berani tampil beda dari yang lain, so maybe deep deep deep down there kalau di explore lagi jiwa seninya i can be a creative person wuiihhh.... this is an interesting input though, another thought of what people sees in me.

Well, maybe i have to start think bout it ya... that could be one of my talent hihihi.
But what ever people think of me, i just follow on my heart bcoz am the only person who know my own capacity and ability... Thanks for the input ya Pak, that's quite amused me :)

Now, am just waiting for the result whether my performace is good enough to get salary increase (God, please hear my pray coz i need more money for shopping, clubbing, salon, traveling and etc).... [-o<

ssttt... latest informasi dari anak2, masa gaji blum di transfer sama finance... wuaaa gimana mau naik gaji kalo gini caranya ya.....

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Describe me in one word, only one word

So bored last night then i got an idea to SMS all of my friends with this fun game inspired by my cheerful client Wenni: Describe me in one word, only one word.

It's fun, although not all of them response with the answer and some were asking what's happen to me :))

Anyhow, here are the response thru SMS till this afternoon:

Bomsex (hmm...) - Miranda
Bebek (cuek, suka gak tau etiket) - Iin
Loosen up - Widi
Attractive - Sanny
Nice - Sammy
Slutty - Sisi
Conqueror - Mbak Astie (my fave answer :))
Big (?) - Aldy
Wild (hmm...)- Andrew
Bingung (:))) - Dini
Pure - Arya (another fave answer ;))
Cute - Didi
Mandiri - Wenni
Dungdung (hahaha) - Farika
Cisayong (uuhh) - Arie
Open Minded - Sisca
Moody - Advi
Ceria - Amal

Continuity answer:

Fun - Indra Betet
Nekat - Lee-a
Susi (susu exhibitionist) - Gaby Bunzky
Sensual - Fachry
Woman - Adji
Lucu - Gita
PrettySexy (maksa nih biar one word :)) - Carlo
Sweet - Esti
Mytype - Reza
Sexy - Itho
Sexy - Denny
Fighter - Evan

Wait for more answer....

So, what do you think?

Describe me in one word, only one word

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Late consciousness

Ada pepatah bilang penyesalan itu selalu datang terlambat (ya kalo penyesalan datengnya duluan mah gak akan ada kejadian dong ah :P).

Tapi kadang kesadaran juga datang terlambat, knapa aku bilang gitu? Kinda experience it now, kesadaran itu pelan-pelan mulai datang dan makin lama makin kuat pengaruhnya, kesadaran itu bikin aku melek (melek akan keadaan maksudnya).
Same thing kayak bangun tidur, kesadaran itu datang pelan-pelan (sadar akan bunyi2an dan keadaan sekitar) lalu diikuti dengan mata yang pelan-pelan terbuka dengan susahnya (kebayang kan kalo bangun pagi susah banget meleknya trus otak gak mau diajak kompromi untuk bangun, nah kayak gitu deh), trus walopun mata dah melek tapi tetep aja badan masih pengen leyeh-leyeh (istilah kerennya sih ngumpulin nyawa hihi), nah kalo nyawa udah kekumpul baru deh pelan-pelan bangun.
Aku masih di stage kesadaran yang pelan-pelan datang tapi mata masih terpejam, well at least aku nyampe stage itu ya gak tidur terus hehehe (i think somehow God still with me). Daripada nggak sadar atau gak bangun sama sekali ya, mendingan dinikmatin aja ini proses ke arah sana, toh it is a good start.

Hidup itu ibaratnya journey (or bahasa kerennya perjalanan) yang kita gak tau kapan berakhirnya, mungkin akan berakhir at the day we passed away atau malah justru itu adalah awal dari perjalanan kita yang akan berujung pada judgement day? We don't know that, but for sure kita berusaha menjalani hidup kita dengan sebaik-baiknya sebagaimana yang sudah di takdirkan, tapi kadang apa yang menurut kita baik blum tentu menurut sang Maha Pencipta baik juga. Bener banget deh kalo orang bilang manusia hanya bisa merencanakan tapi Tuhan jua lah yang Maha Mengetahui dan Maha Mengabulkan :)

Oke, back to kesadaran itu tadi.....
I believe God will assist me sampai aku bisa benar-benar bangun, coz i really need His Hand to help me stand up and also i need all my strength untuk menopang kakiku berdiri dengan kuat dan jangan sampai jatuh...

The thing is, apa aku bener-bener siap untuk bangun?
Aku harus siap karena aku yakin akan banyak hal yang bisa aku lakuin setelah aku bangun, ya abis bangun tidur terus mandi trus siap-siap ke kantor nah di kantor juga pasti akan banyak kejadian yang akan memperkaya hidup kita dan berharap semoga hari ini lebih baik dari kemarin.

I only can wait the day i finally get up, don't want to rush a thing coz i know everything should be well prepared so that i have strength to start a new day with new spirit and new hope :)

God bless me [-o<

Telkomsel is the best

Terinspirasi sama blognya Ayi tentang T-sel :)

Biasanya tiap pulang kampung kita punya satu kebiasaan yang pasti dilakukan setiap saat; yaitu kita semua (me and all my cousins) duduk di teras (all the time), karena kita semua nyari signal handphone yang kuat biar tetep bisa berhubungan dengan dunia luar (rumah nenekku itu bener2 kampung, depannya sawah dan kolam ikan, samping rumah kanan kiri kolam ikan), anehnya signal itu hanya ada kalau kita duduk di teras depan jadi makin ke dalem rumah ya signalnya makin ilang, jadi kegiatan duduk-duduk di teras itu dilakukan sambil memajang hp di meja (udah kayak tukang jualan hp di roxy), kita semua nunggu hp siapa yang bunyi telp or sms masuk hihihi

Tapi ada yang berbeda tahun ini, all the way Jakarta-Tasik my phone selalu berfungsi dengan baik dan signalnya manteng teng teng...

Kenapa begitu? karena Telkomsel terlengkap dalam layanan dan terluas dalam jangkauan melayani hingga kecamatan (canggih gak tuw).
Kemajuan banget juga signalnya manteng pas udah sampe Tasik, dan di dalem rumah, ternyata eh ternyata di kecamatan Cisayong itu ada BTS yang baru selesai di pasang, so no wonder deh signalnya blagu banget gitu hihihi... Langsung sombong dong ke sepupu-sepupu yang lain kalo signal T-sel itu full jadi hp bisa di bawa-bawa even ke dapur hahaha...

Emang gak nyesel deh pake T-sel, walopun ada keluhan nih ya kenapa tagihan telpnya kok suka gak nyampe yahh huhhh sebel deh kan itu sangat diperlukan untuk reimburse ke kantor hehehe..

So far seh, i love T-sel deh... (duh mudah-mudahan klienku gak ada yang komplen ya, ini atas nama pribadi kok gak bawa-bawa profesionalisme) :)

Like father like daughter

Had dinner last nite with my friend and her daughter, that was my 1st time to meet her daughter, i usually just saw her thru pix. I was amazed how the daughter can be so look a like the father (God Almighty), it's like i can see the father whom i know too in female's body :)).

Not only the appearance and the look but they way she moves is soo him (kok bisa ya?) and for the 1st impression the mother has no contribution at all into the daughter hihihi... Juteknya sih dapet dari ibunya tuw :p

Someone had told me that natural DNA test is the look of the baby tell who's the real father, bener banget tuw ;)

Makes me wonder how my future child will look like, but it depends on the father too ya :D

Monday, October 31, 2005

Missing U

I miss u so much

I want to hold u tight and never let go

I want to talk to you, like we used to

I want to share you stories

I want to see you, i would give anthing just to see u in about half an hour (if i could)

I want to hear your voice, the voice that always calm me down

I want to hear your laugh

I want to see your smile

Gosh, I just want to see you

I know....

You always there in my dream

You always there in my pray

You always guard me with your love

You always there in every step i took

You always there to witness every achievement and failure

Eventhough you are not around, I know somehow you will always be with me

I miss you so much, Dad.

I love you so much, Dad.

I will visit your graveyard, I promised you.

Rest in peace my beloved father, I will always come to visit you and may we meet again in heaven.

Friday, October 28, 2005

Puasa bulan penuh rahmat

Bulan Ramadhan ampir abis, yippiieee..... Lebaran sebentar lagi....

Seneng, bisa mudik Lebaranan di kampung halaman tercinta, ketemu sodara-sodara yang jarang ketemu, bisa makan bakso Laksana (bakso paling ngeTOB di Tasikmalaya hehehe) or bakso Mang Eman deh yang deketan kalo males ke kota :D.
Akhirnyaaaa gak musti makan pagi-pagi buta sambil ngantuk2, duhh siksaan yang paling berat deh.... eh tapi gak papa juga seh karena ada hiburan Aming di Trans, kalo gak ada acara itu bablas kali, secara sahur sendirian di kos getoh hiks.

Yang paling menyedihkan sebagai anak kos adalah minggu pertama puasa, sedih banget sahur sendirian tapi untungnya udah 2 thn terakhir ini dapet makanan dari ibu kos (eh tetep bayar loh pas akhir bulan, kirain ibu kosnya berbaik hati ya memberi makan selama bulan puasa hihihi). Udah gitu minggu pertama smua orang ribut pulang cepet mau buka dengan keluarga masing2, lah gue buka sama keluarga siapa dongggg hiks hiks....
Tapi ternyata anak kantor gue yang sekarang ini tidak menganut paham pulang cepet untuk buka sama keluarga, asikkk gue punya temen buka puasa deh :), dan ternyata banyak yang jual bukaan di sekitar setiabudi sini jadi keadaan perut tetap terjamin..

Tapi yah, walopun puasa dah tinggal menghitung hari lagi, tetep aja loh ada beberapa orang yang blum pernah buka puasa bareng sama gue, uuhh aku sedihh... (Bondut syibuks terus deh, sebel)
Nih ya, salah satu contohnya Farika, gak ngerti kita yang lagi sama-sama sok sibuk apa emang blum berjodoh ya (lhooo). Giliran dia bisa eh gue yang lagi kerja, trus giliran gue bisa gantian deh dia yang kerja duhh kok susah bener ya mengatur waktu antara dua pekerja periklanan ini, segitu demandingnya kah pekerjaan di agency? Hmm....Good question :p
Kapan dong Friks kita buka puasa, dah lama gak ketemu nih, masa cuma update gosip lewat YM, kurang seruuuuu...

Salah satu contoh keribetan lain mengatur buka puasa, hari ini rencananya mau bupus di kantor lama sama Miranda & Dini (dua ibu-ibu gaul yang slalu bergaya anak muda dan tetep mengikuti perkembangan jaman), tapiiiiii..... sampe jam sgini masih bingung2 antara jadi ke kantor lama apa buka sendiri aja, duhhhh...
Well, tapi disitulah salah satu nikmatnya bulan puasa ini ya, kita bisa menjalin tali silaturahmi dengan temen2 lama dengan alasan buka puasa bareng.

Tapi aku juga sedih dengan berakhirnya bulan penuh rahmat ini, karena gue ngerasa selama bulan penuh rahmat ini jiwa religi gua tinggi banget.. (insya allah di bulan2 lain tetep rajin sholat ya) jadi rajin beribadah deh minta ampunan untuk segala dosa2 yang dulu (duhh kalo dosa ada wujudnya gak kebayang deh kayak gimana tuw hehe).
Eh, tapi ada juga seh one of my friend yang tetep melakukan kegiatan yang sangat dilarang agama dengan alasan dibulan lain aja gak boleh jadi ya sama aja kan kalo dilakuin di bulan puasa ini (nah lohhhh) au ah gelap, urusan masing-masing sama yang di Atas deh, i am no body to judge people toh am not perfect either :)

Tapiiii... gue berpendapat gini, di bulan lain yang 11 bulan itu gue udah penuh dosa jadi ya di bulan yang penuh rahmat ini marilah kita mendekatkan diri sama yang Diatas dan juga memohon ampunan untuk dosa-dosa selama 11 bulan itu, tidak melakukan hal-hal yang sangat dilarang agama, jangan lah bulan suci ini dinodai dengan hal-hal yang sangat duniawi itu (duhhh ini siapa ya, kok jadi wise gini hihihihi), toh dibulan lain tetep bisa dilakukan hal-hal itu, masa iya seh gak bisa nahan sebulan aja gitu loh.... Jreng jreng jadi kebayang neh mau ngapain aja kalo dah gak puasa (lhoooo) hihihi

Well.... yang pasti i am looking forward untuk mudik nih, can't wait to see sawah hijau depan rumah Mama Aji ehm.. benernya nih ya, can't wait untuk sahur bareng orang lain gak cuma ditemenin TV aja hihihi..

Minal aidin ya everybody mohon maaf lahir dan batin semoga kita menjadi manusia yang lebih baik kedepannya, tunggu crita lain tentang Lebaran di kampung Cisayong yaaa :)


Kok aku tiba-tiba kangen banget ya sama kamu....

Rasa ini sering datang tiba-tiba tanpa diundang, datang ditengah kesendirianku atau bahkan pas lagi di tengah keramaian.

Aku kangen ngobrol sama kamu, obrolan ringan yang ngangenin, obrolan ringan yang gak jelas tapi bikin hati seneng karena aku bisa melupakan sejenak semua kepenatan dan gundah gulana di hati.

Kamu memang teman yang sangat baik, teman dalam segala situasi dan kondisi bagaimanapun kamu dibutuhkan.

Jangan berubah teman, apa yang kita miliki sekarang sudah cukup untuk membuat hari-hariku menjadi lebih semarak, membuat hidup jadi lebih hidup.

Kamu nggak pernah judge aku, kamu bisa melihat ke dalamku dan kamu bisa mengerti aku, kamu bisa mengakomodasi keinginanku yang kadang nggak masuk akal, tapi itulah aku..

Teman baik memang susah dicari, karenanya aku sangat bersyukur kamu bisa jadi teman baikku.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Life is about choices

I believe that life is about choices.

Whatever choices you had made, it made you who you are now.

And whatever choices you had made, you have to take the consequences as part of it no matter how bad and painful it is.

I believe that everybody has their own path that reflect from their choices.

So, are you willing to create your own path and making the choices?

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Another Thought

Is there a perfect soulmate somewhere for me?

We believe that all relationships in our lives are to teach us and to help us grow spiritually. We also believe that soulmates (and there may be more than one) are in our lives to help us to learn our spiritual lessons. A soulmate may be someone in your life who constantly gets "under your skin" or may be someone who you have deep, intimate relationship with. We believe that we are soulmates because there was an instant feeling of "coming home" when we got together and everyday recognize how we help one another in our spiritual growth.
We believe that perfect mate that you refer to is certainly out there but you have to be ready and you have to be willing to be conscious in your relationship. If you haven't attracted that "perfect" soulmate, try visualizing what you what. What would your life be like with this person?
What would you do together? Also, we suggest that you look at yourself. Are you type of person who would attract your idea of perfect soulmate? If not, start today being that type of person to the people who currently in your life.

You can have more than one Soulmate in a lifetime

Twin Flames are very different and very rare. Twin Flames are two people in two separate bodies that share same soul. Twin Flames meet each other in their first incarnation so that they remember the soul frequency of the other being. They are then usually reunited on their last time to this planet. If Twin Flames meet before they are ready they can be the total opposite and not at all compatible. When Twin Flames meet and are ready for each other, it is the most enjoyable experience possible on earth.
At this point, Twin Flames are almost identical. They truly compliment each other and it is a hardship for them to be apart. As an outside observer it is sometimes hard to distinguish the two people. They are also have a very strong bond and oftern have telepathy with each other.

Taken from

Monday, September 12, 2005

The One

How can you be so sure that he's/ she's the right one for you? Does he/she the right person that God sent you so you can spend the rest of your life with him/her? But what if he/she's not the one?

Yesterday, i attended my friend's 2nd wedd. 2nd huh? Yeahhh...... her hubby died when she was 4 month pregnan with 1st child (am sorry for her), but God still loves her as He gives someone that truly love her with current condition (along with excess bagage from 1st hubby), So they got married last night (congratulation happy for you). I just wish that her new hubby would love her child as if he's his.

But my query more to this question. The one for you should be the one that you marry, is that correct?
So, how about that kind of condition, your 1st partner died or even divorce and then you get married with someone else, so which one is the one??
Does the 1st one, or the 2nd one?

As i am wondering, which one is my mom's soulmate. Could it be my dad (he passed away when i was in high school) or maybe her's current hubby as he's with her till death do their part?

Or what if the case is like this? My Grandpa has 2 wives or even more (lika Wong solo owner)?
So, which one is his soulmate? Or which one is the one?
Or maybe God sent them all for him? Maybe God loves him so much so God gave more than one soulmate? Well, God works in a mysterious way.

I can't let go that thought, just wondering.......

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Why blog?

Why everybody have blog?
Dunno... but it's kinda makes me curious bout it... jadi inget pepatah "tak kenal maka tak sayang"... so, here i am, terdampar di dunia blog yang lagi ngtrend ini hahaha...
Walopun at the 1st place i kinda hate it coz all of names i choose has been chosen, huh what's wrong seh with everybody ternyata kok nama gue pasaran hahaha..
Finally I got the right name for my blog, yeah u got it right beibeh... i choose that name, laughed it up :p.
My boyfriend asked me "kenapa kamu mau buka blog?" then i said "biar bisa buka photo album" hahahaha shallow me :p and he said to me "blog itu untuk orang-orang yang rajin nulis, kalo kamu rajin nulis ya coba aja buka" he always encourage me in such way when i have "gak penting" question and curiosity hihihi.. I love u Ndut.
I have 3 faves blog; Farika's, pram-rendra's, wenni's.
Why them?
Farika, she is such a unique person, she is what she is, doesn't give a shit bout what people think, you go girl! Karena keunikannya dia itu, makanya agak susah nyari kado yang pas buat dia secara dia gak seperti cewe2 kebanyakan, sabar ya Friks.. blum sempet nyari :D
Pram-Rendra (anaknya Bugem): lucu aja baca kegiatannya mereka, jadi pengen punya anak deh hihihihi
Wenni: gak nyangka ternyata my client ini hidupnya penuh dengan tawa dan canda, duh kalo baca blognya dia suka ketawa2 sendiri, Ceu kamu dah cucok jadi pelawak kayaknya hihihi.
Salah satu bukti kehebohan blog ini adalah waktu kasus kematian Sha dengan postingan mimpinya yang serem itu, dan ternyata i found out dari kalo itu cuma hoax huuu gilingan ya pada niat bener orang2 hehehe
Tapi gue masih nggak ngerti kenapa blog itu sekarang ngetrend banget dan almost all of my friends have it?
Does anybody can answer it?