Friday, February 08, 2008

I'm sick

I can't blog today, confirmed the flu has kicked in.

I got bad headache.

Sneeze a lot.


Must be because of the weather, one time hot sunny day in the morning and then rain pour in the afternoon till evening and night. Or maybe because I pushed my self to go to the gym everyday? Could be. The body already in bad stamina + hard work out, so it's like a sign from my body to slow down. Or maybe it's just a lame excuse for me to skip exercise today, maybe :)

Took vitamin C, and cold medicine after lunch. In result I'm sleepy now zzzzzzzz......

I'll try to go home early today. Let's hope the traffic jam wouldn't be soo bad cos Jakarta's traffic jam on Friday night and especially after rain poured is hell.

Have a great weekend everybody.


Anonymous said...


Look after yourself and get well soon

Anonymous said...

Must be the weather, happening to me too :|

* Eh? it's Friday night now?

Elyani said...

Ecky, hope you get better soon. Take care.

Anonymous said...

Flu is really horrible. Hope you get well as soon as possible(don't forget to take plenty of fluids)

Hope your weekend is great; never mind the flu :-)

MC said...

Hope you get well soon. Lots of rest will help :-) said...

Hope you are feeling better now. Take a good rest and dont push yourself to hard to go to Gym. Just take a rest then after that continue your practice.

BTW, what kind of even in August ? Ups ... sorry ...

Unknown said...

I hope you're feeling much better soon! And thanks for leaving so many sweet comments on my blog, I really appreciate the support!