Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Why do the talented artists/actors die young???

I mean.... why did they have to die at such a great time in their lives... just as everything was coming together for them...

We will never know how huge Selena, Aaliyah, Marilyn Monroe, Elvis Presley, Kurt Cobain, John Lennon, River Phoenix, Freddy Mercury, John Ritter , JFK. Jr, Jim Morrison, James Dean, John Belushi, Gilda Radner, Jonathan Brandis, Chris Farley, Bob Marley, John Candy, Bruce & Brandon Lee, and the latest ones Brad Renfro and Heath Ledger ..... just to name a few......

We will never know just how far they would have reached...... may they all rest in peace!!

For Kurt Cobain, River Phoenix, Brad Renfro and Heath Ledger case, did it happen because they're too young to be famous? All of them were 20 something actors. Such a shame because they are soo talented and young.

Or simply because they couldn't handle the fame and the pressure?

Only each individual and God know the answer.

Anyhow, we never know when death is coming after us, so I guess we just have to be ready to face it whenever our time comes.


Anonymous said...

It's sad, isn't it. Imagine how many good artjob they could have contributed to this world.

Maybe the young and successful tend to abuse their success. Heck .. who am I to judge the royals!

Anonymous said...

Maybe extraordinary talent generations added pressures that us mere mortal never have to face.
Often with tragic results. Sad


Momisodes said...

Very tragic and sad. HE was so young, and his poor child will never know their father....

Anonymous said...

judy garland said, "it's so lonely there, on the top".... and many other successful artists said the similar things...

apparently lives become more stressful and unhappy for many who have climbed to the top....

btw, mojang tasik, kumaha? damang? :)
lady day

Unknown said...

Andie, GJ, Sandy, Mer: Yes it's sad isn't it. And the young Matilda won't know her daddy :(

Mer: pangestu Teh.. :)

Anonymous said...

Maybe the lifestyle and the pressure are different...death is a mystery